
Our goal is to better understand past ice sheets and their stability. The Pico group uses ice sheet- solid Earth interactions as a lens to improve ice sheet and sea-level reconstructions on glacial timescales. By leveraging unconventional sea-level datasets, including ancient landscapes, we aim to target knowledge gaps on ice sheet growth and decay.


January 2024: Becca Cleveland-Stout's senior thesis research on the impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on Last Interglacial coral preservation was published! Read it here !

November 2023: My article Performing Geology: Risk and Conquest in the Origin Stories of a Field Science was published in Catalyst: Feminism, theory, technoscience !

August 2023: PhD student Sam Kodama's first paper was just published about the role of glacial isostatic adjustment on river meandering! Congrats Sam!

March 2023: EOS published an excellent article about our paper on the timing of Bering Land Bridge formation . Read it here !

December 2022: Our paper The Bering Strait was flooded 10,000 years before the Last Glacial Maximum was published in PNAS! It was covered in UCSC News, Princeton Research News, Forbes, and National Geographic en EspaƱol.

December 2022: AGU Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology published a highlight I wrote about sea-level constraints across the last glaciation phase.

February 2022: Our paper "Glacial isostatic adjustment directed incision of the Channeled Scabland by Ice Age megafloods" was published in PNAS!

November 2021: Insurrect! published a great conversation about the colonial history of geology. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 !

October 2021: I will be giving two talks at GSA Connects in session T129 (Dynamics of Huge Floods) and T140 (Paleoclimate of Northwestern North America). Check out the online program here !

June 2021: I will be a featured speaker in the 2021 NSF Frontiers in Ocean Sciences Symposium on June 28th. You can register to watch here !

May 2021: I am giving a seminar for the Landscapes Live series on May 20. You can find the link to watch here !

April 2021: I am giving an invited talk at EGU on Thursday April 29. Check out the exciting session on solid Earth-ice sheet interactions here !

March 2021: EOS published an excellent interview with the GeoContext Team. Read it here !

February 2021: I was honored to speak at the URGE Reading Group Session on Racism and History, you can watch the video here !

January 2021: Our curriculum project GeoContext was covered in the Princeton Alumni Weekly !

December 2020: Check out my AGU talk and poster on our GeoContext curriculum project! Our website is now live at https://geo-context.github.io/ !

October 2020: I will be giving a talk October 28 at GSA on glacial isostatic adjustment and Missoula megaflooding! See session here!

August 2020: Check out our paper on first authorship gender gaps in geoscience, now freely available in Earth & Space Science!

August 2020: Our paper on MIS 3 sea level and Indo-Pacific hydroclimate was published in AGU Paleooceanography and Paleoclimatology

Tamara Pico

Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz                                 July 2021-

          Earth & Planetary Sciences

          Affiliate, Science & Justice Research Center

Curriculum Vitae